Open M-F 7:30AM - 6PM
Saturday 9AM - 3PM
82 County Road in Mattapoisett
We can pack and ship just about anything to just about anywhere in the world, with expedited delivery! Our certified packers know how to best protect your most fragile, awkward, and valuable shipments. We're happy to help you choose from the many delivery options.
Mail Box Services has the document production expertise you need to create and produce high-quality, professional documents. We are committed to providing our customers with personalized quality workmanship in all we do.
In addition to receiving your U.S. mail, we are able to accept and sign for UPS, FedEx, courier service, and local drop-offs. With a private mailbox, you can live anywhere and have a Mattapoisett street address.
Our notaries public are commissioned by the Commonwealth of Massachussetts and professionally trained to complete the notary process on real estate documents, deeds, affidavits, certification of trusts, and more.
Have your packages shipped to us and keep them safe from porch bandits and the elements.
We've got a wide selection of greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries, congratulations and celebrations of all kinds.
Count on us for office supplies and convenience services, from copies to mailing.